Georgie’s Triumph: Thank You for Your Support

Dear supporters and friends of Springer Rescue Scotland,


We are overwhelmed with gratitude as we share with you the incredible journey of Georgie, a 10-month-old Springer who recently found his way into the loving care of Springer Rescue Scotland. We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support throughout Georgie’s medical journey.


Georgie’s Story

In June 2023, Georgie’s foster carer noticed something concerning—an intermittent limp that seemed to trouble young Georgie of just 7 months. Concerned for his well-being, they promptly took him to the vet, who, in turn, referred Georgie to an orthopaedic specialist vet. The diagnosis was as heart-wrenching as it was familiar to us.


A CT scan revealed IOHC (Incomplete Ossification of the Humeral Condyle) fissures in Georgie’s elbows. This hereditary condition in Spaniels can lead to fractures if left untreated. Some of you may recall SRS Loki, who suffered a similar fate, resulting in the amputation of his front leg and the insertion of a screw. Now, Georgie stood at a crossroads, facing a costly yet necessary operation to insert screws into his elbows to prevent further harm.


Georgie’s Triumph

Thanks to your remarkable generosity and unwavering support, Georgie’s journey towards recovery has been a testament to his bravery and resilience. With your help, we successfully raised the funds needed for Georgie’s operation, covering the CT scan and the insertion of screws into his elbows.

The surgery was a success, and Georgie has been on the path to healing and a brighter future. Your contributions have not only changed his life but have also reaffirmed the power of our community to come together and make a difference in the lives of animals in need.


Your Impact

We are humbled by the incredible support received, with a total of £3,434.21 raised, along with £702.38 in Gift Aid. Your donations have not only ensured Georgie’s complete recovery but have also contributed to the ongoing mission of Springer Rescue Scotland, enabling us to rescue and care for more dogs in need.


With heartfelt gratitude,


Springer Rescue Scotland


PS: Your Donation Matters!


Your generosity has been the lifeline that enabled us to make a real and lasting impact in the life of a young dog like Georgie. Your donations have transformed his journey from one of uncertainty to a story of triumph, resilience, and boundless hope. By donating today, you are not only helping Georgie but also countless other dogs in need. Together, we can make a difference and give these loving animals the second chance they deserve.


Donations can be made online via our website or through various other channels, and we appreciate your continued support.


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